Code for Australia’s team of three (@ram_parameswaran, @sindhu and @Yuguang) technologists working at the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment will be presenting on exactly what it takes to make Rules as Code effective.
They’re going to be running through the importance of the design process, multi-disciplinary teams, and the right approach to software. Hear what’s worked for them, where there have been challenges, and what can be done to overcome them.
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For those of you who couldn’t make it to yesterday’s Open House, check out the Rules as Code Fellows @sindhu @Ram and @Yuguang speaking about their work with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. They’ve been exploring how Rules as Code can support the process of defining and delivering rules for the NSW Energy Security Safeguard. This video highlights the importance of multi-disciplinary teams, the design process, and the software development approach.
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