Introduce yourself and tell us what you're working on šŸ˜Š

Hi everyone,

To ensure weā€™re building up our Rules as Code Community make sure you introduce yourself here and let us know what youā€™re working on and what your areas of interest within RaC are.

Tell usā€¦

  • bit about where you work and what you do
  • anything youā€™d like to learn more about
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Iā€™ll nominate a few to get us started!

@Yuguang @ram_parameswaran @sindhu @Marina @natalia.crnomarkovic @k7n4n5t3w4rt @LdK @TimdeSousa @Pompeu @mwadams @AnnaHuggins @cwc_yc @mstammers @cheneryj @mwildenauer @arigarside @cwc_yc @ClaireDaniel @DavidPryor @nutmeg @Abhik_C @ixk @alm_nz @sfetouh @shaananc @Julia @Guido @MarkF @grantp @melissasiah @kkw @sara @markstaples @PiaAndrews @Armin @KMS88 @Gemma @sonyas @MattWadd @kayakr @nathanchester @Susannah @Slevin @joshforde @KER @Aurelie @tjharrop @MAIC-Vicki @kaz @Adrian @julianw @Evin @Thabo-M @Angela @Bvrettos @james_wong @aldous2018 @Pim

Hey everyone, Iā€™m Sindhu - Iā€™m a designer working for Code for Australia along with @Yuguang and @ram_parameswaran. Weā€™re working with the lovely folks at the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to experiment with how Rules as Code can be used to deliver the very complex, very long Energy Savings Scheme.

Weā€™ve spent the last 3 months working to understand the rules, OpenFisca and user needs. So far, weā€™ve built a dashboard that ingests a ruleset and allows us to explore parts of the rule, as well as do cool things like calculate savings and compare different parts of the rule! Weā€™re also working through the Better Rules Process at the moment for a new set of rules which has been incredibly interesting to be a part of! :smile:

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Thanks for kicking us off Esther.

Iā€™m Vicki from the Motor Accident Insurance Commission, Queenslandā€™s Compulsory Third Party scheme regulator. Itā€™s still super early days for us on our RaC/digitising rules journey.

Weā€™re currently looking at RaC from a number of perspectives:

  1. Discovery for general legislation and drafting improvements as well as compliance tool development (we regulate private CTP insurers).
  2. Injury coding machine learning (a requirement under regulation) using a combo of AWS and Google tools.
  3. Implementing regulatory changes from a systems, website and portal development perspective.
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hi there, this is Yuguang. I am a data scientist, currently working on a ā€œRules as Codesā€ project where we turn Energy Saving ā€˜rulesā€™ into ā€˜codesā€™ and hope to make ā€˜betterā€™ rules in the process. Together with @sindhu and @ram_parameswaran, we are the Code For Australia fellows on this project.

Outside this project, I make beautiful charts, and like tinkering with machine learning algorithms and making mobile apps.

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Hi, I am Pim from New Zealand working at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. I have been involved with the ā€œBetter rules, better outcomesā€ initiative from the beginning in 2018. I am excited about Better Rules approach and RaC for several reasons. Firstly, my main work is focused on bridging the gap between policy intent and implementation. Using the Better Rules approach helps reducing ambiguity, creates more certainty, makes rules more transparent and delivers better digital services. Secondly, government digital transformation canā€™t be ā€œtransformationalā€ without looking at core role government: making and expressing rules in a digital world.

I am supporting building Better Rules capability and capacity in the NZ public sector - for example through, toolkits, courses, standards discussions, collaborations and supporting teams working on specific policy related initiatives. For example, Holidays Act, Digital Identity Trust Framework, Web Accessibility Standards, Food Standards and COVID19 Wage Subsidy. For some initiatives the goal is ā€œrules as codeā€ but for others the architecture and transparency of the rules are the main objective.

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Hi Iā€™m Claire - Urban planner and computer programmer currently studying a PhD at UNSW between the Built Environment School and the Allenā€™s Hub for Innovation in Law. Although not the focus of my thesis Iā€™m interested in the application of Rules as Code in Urban Planning and upskilling my profession in digital stuff generally. I frequently chat to my friends Nadia, Hamish and Sean who did the consent checker project at Wellington City Council in NZ.

Hi - Iā€™m Sydney-based software engineering researcher and practitioner with a background in computer science (formal methods). Iā€™m interested in how to create practical tentatively-valid models and analyses of the law, to help with problems that government, business, and citizens have accessing, understanding, and working with the law. I have been working with the Deontic Defeasible Logic developed at Data61 (previously, at NICTA). Some areas of law Iā€™ve looked at as examples are defence export controls, covid test criteria, food labelling, responsible lending, building codes, privacy.

There are loads of interesting issues to think about! The unique characteristics of legal reasoning impact how we need to model the law, especially at scale. This means many of the standard principles (e.g. modularity, information hiding/abstraction) from computer science donā€™t work well here, and others (e.g. model composition, problem decomposition, validation) need to be adapted.

I also/mainly do blockchain research including with smart contracts, but not yet really in combination with any of the above.

Hi folks, Iā€™m May-N, Head of Local Digital and Digital Planning at the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government in the UK. We are working on Englandā€™s Planning Reform. Regarding RaC, we have been codifying planning legislation with local government in our permitted development project RIPA and we will be using the learnings to shape future planning policies as part of our reform programme.

Excited to learn more about what the community is working on and have been following NZā€™s and Wellingtonā€™s work closely - bias though as Iā€™m a Kiwi too :grinning:.

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Hi all, Iā€™m Peter. I manage processes and systems at the South Australian Office of Parliamentary Counsel and have led the officeā€™s digital transformation over the past several years. I am interested ways to improve the integration and value of legislation drafted and published in South Australia with software.

Hello, everyone.

My name is Jason, Iā€™m a Canadian former lawyer and computational law nerd currently working at the Singapore Management University Centre for Computational Law. We are working on writing a purpose-built programming language for encoding legal rules, and tools to go along with it.

Iā€™m also the author of Blawx, which is an open-source web-based visual development environment for Rules as Code. If you are familiar with ā€œScratchā€, which is used to teach programming to children, Blawx is essentially ā€œScratch for Rules as Code.ā€

I recently published an extension for Docassemble that allows you to encode a law in s(CASP) and then use that encoding to generate Docassemble-based expert systems. Here is a blog post introducing it. The post is long, but thereā€™s a 3m video in there that gives the highlights.

I am interested in learning about the tools that are out there that people are using for Rules as Code, and what their experiences have been like.

Hi all, Iā€™m Cass, Head of Delivery + People at Code for Australia. I work closely with our Fellowship teams, including the Fellows currently working on Rules as Code with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. The Fellows are active on here but also happy to assist with any questions about our RaC Fellowship that you have!

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Hi Everyone, My name is Marina and I have the honour of leading the @auscl the Australian Society for Computers + Law. we are hosting a series of Masterclass on Rules as Code - which I hope you have been attended. Follow us on linkedin and youtube (simple search for AUSCL). Our next event will showcase Code for Australia, OpenFisca and NSW Government ā€¦ [Link to register](

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Hallo Esther,

I am Hugo, working in France for CNRS as a researcher in computer science, and ā€œchargĆ© de missionā€ for the french ministry of higher education and research.

I have been active in translating the French ORE law into algorithms implemented in the ā€œParcoursupā€ platform, which is the entry door to universities in France.

I am also leading a CNRS project ā€œfrom law to codeā€ in which we are interested in the best practices for implementing public decision algorithms. I find that the work conducted around RaC in Australia, and addressed also in the eponym OECD forum, is fascinating. I would like to know more about the technical details which led to the production of the ā€œcommunity gaming checkā€ Community gaming check | NSW Fair Trading

Hello Everyone,

I have been a legislative counsel working at the federal level in Canada for 30 years. Two-thirds of this time were spent doing regulatory legislative drafting in a variety of federal areas, so I am very aware of regulatory influences and challenges (keeping current, incorporation by reference, administering regimes, drafting process in bilingual and bijural context, etc). The RaC idea was introduced to me in Zambia at the Commonwealth Association of Legislative Counsel conference in 2019. Canada has some very interesting work underway, both at Service Canada with Pia Andrews, and at the Canada School of Public Service, which is engaging a community that includes legislative counsel from the federal Department of Justice to explore RaC drafting.

Super late entry as i am new to this community!

Iā€™m Edward, Co-founder of Hadron Group, a consultancy that offers data, program management, economics solutions to many government organisations.

Iā€™m currently working on a potential Rule as Code project (within a broader AI project) in NSW Government and is actively exploring best practices in Rule as Code. Would love to connect with fellow practitioners. Thanks!